Friday, March 13, 2009

Earth Hour 2009

Here’s a letter from Ms. Elisea Gozun, EarthDay Network Philippines Chair and former DENR Secretary:

Dear Friends and Partners in protecting the Environment:

On March 31, 2007, millions of residences and businesses in Sydney turned off their lights for one hour as a symbolic gesture of their effort to address climate change. Now known as the EARTH HOUR, this single action sent a powerful message to the country and to the world to take action on GLOBAL WARMING.
Like we did last year, we are once again seeking your support to make this a global event where people all over the world unite to turn off the lights for one hour at 8:30pm on March 28, 2009 in your city or in parts of your city.
Climate change, as we now know, is the most significant threat to life on Earth. One way to address the current rate of greenhouse gas emissions is to get each and every global citizen to reduce their carbon footprint by making small adjustments in the way they live. To achieve individual change, we need to demonstrate how simple and how easy these actions can be.
The Earth Day Network Philippines would like to invite your city to join millions around the world in celebrating Earth Hour. Let us join nations around the world as they literally “turn off their lights” for Earth Hour. This event will create awareness on climate change and be a symbol of the fact that people of the world working together can make a difference in the fight against global warming. A voluntary black out covering a part of or the entire city will be most welcome.
To support this campaign, please log on to to individually register, study the website and see how your city can help. Do let us know also (email to so that we can keep track of the local governments, groups, businesses in the country that are supporting this campaign. Also please document (including photos) your activities so we can post this on our website and share it with the world.
Thank you for joining us in this effort to save Mother Earth!
Elisea “Bebet” G. Gozun
Chair, EDNP
So check your watches, and get ready for Earth Hour 2009!

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