Ms Earth 2008
Miss Philippines: Karla Henry has won the Miss Earth 2008 beauty pageant.
About Ms Earth Foundation
To institutionalize the environmental mission of the MISS EARTH Beauty Pageant, Carousel Productions, Inc established the MISS EARTH FOUNDATION in 2004 to work with the local and international groups and non-governmental organizations that are actively involved in worthwhile environmental causes.
* Increases the level of awareness on the current environmental issues and takes action through power of broadcasting and other media campaigns locally, nationally and globally.
* Organizes campaigns and promotes projects for MISS EARTH winners.
* Reaches out to the masses and encourages them to be responsible in caring and preserving the environment locally, nationally and globally (such as organizing forums and symposiums).
* Builds strong community ties in community projects.* Teaches the value of appreciation towards nature and quality of life.
Beautiful Body, Mind and Environment: Keep it toxic free
Pimples and Pollution ?Is there any connection?Find out-
Do you have pimples, or blackheads, or acne? If you do, chances are, you come in close contact with air pollution! Yes, that’s right, air pollution. So, before dying for acne treatments, make sure to do something for -the Environment First.
* Check if your car pollutes the air
* Quit smoking.
Now that you know, try your best to Live Green, and well, tell others to live green as well.
How the Environment Affects Your Skin
The rays of the sun have more potential to change the look of your skin than any other environmental factor. Sunburn or a tan indicates your skin has been damaged, and sun damage causes your skin to age before it's time. Ultraviolet light from the sun breaks downcollagenandelastin, the building blocks of your skin, causing wrinkling and sagging. The sun's rays also make skin rough and can over stimulate pigment cells, causing brown spots.
Self protection: Protect your skin- use Sunscreen.
Environment Protection: Know more about Ozone layer and Save Ozone Layer.
Learn what destroys it and how can you contribute to protect?
Stay beautiful in a beautiful Environment!
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