Saturday, September 6, 2008

Health Beat

Junk food causes fatty liver

According to a recent study, junk has been linked to Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NFLD). Initially, fatty liver can be benign, however, when the fat storage in the body exceeds the maximum limit, the body starts throwing fatty acids into the liver. If left untreated, NFLD can result in fibrosis of liver and in the extreme cases, it can lead to cirrhosis. So eating junk food is as worse as drinking alcohol.

Bio-solids and human health

Bio-solids are ubiquitous with contaminants potentially harmful to human beings, livestock, wildlife, crops, soil and groundwater. Poorly tested or regulated, bio-solids may contain thousands of toxic chemicals that may have adverse impact. The problem is further compounded as guidelines for spreading bio-solids on farmland are outdated and inadequate in most of the countries of the world.

Chlorinated Tris back in children’s life

Chlorinated Tris —a flame retardant that was taken out of children’s pyjamas more than 30 years ago after it was found to cause cancer is now being used with increasing regularity in furniture, paint —even baby carriers and bassinets —and manufacturers are under no obligation to let the public know about it. As a user, one can not find out what kinds of paints or cushions contain chlorinated Tris by looking at labels either.
Arlene Blum, a scientist from the University of California-Berkeley whose work led to the chemicals being taken out of children's sleepwear in the 1970s, said she was astonished to learn that Chlorinated Tris is back in such widespread use in other consumer products, particularly couches and places where children play.
Breastfeeding boosts children’s immunity

Breastfed babies are not only protected against a huge range of infections, they also enjoy lifelong benefits, from higher intelligence to a lower risk of obesity and diabetes. Breast milk is the ultimate functional food. Besides providing babies with the essential nutrients they need to grow and develop, it also contains hundreds of active components that do everything from targeting dangerous pathogens and boosting the development of a baby's gut to preventing allergic reactions and increasing appetite. What's more, the composition of breast milk changes over time to match babies' needs - levels of natural painkillers called beta-endorphins are highest right after birth,

Asthma during early pregnancy may cause birth defects

Asthma flare-ups early in pregnancy may raise the risk of birth defects, a new study suggests. In a study of 3,477 asthmatic women who gave birth, at least once between 1990 and 2000, Canadian researchers found that those who had had symptom flare-ups in the first trimester, were 48 percent more likely to have a baby with a congenital malformation Overall, 13 percent of the babies born to women with asthma attacks had at least one malformation, such as a birth defect of the heart, facial structures, spine or digestive system. That compared with 9 percent of infants whose mothers had well-controlled asthma in early pregnancy. The findings have been published in the Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology. This study highlights the need for women to take suitable medication to avoid exacerbations.

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