Usually I write on environment only, but few things just make me think aloud.
Albert Einstein, the renowned scientist once said about Gandhiji that - Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this had walked the earth in flesh and blood. If alive today, Gandhi ji would not have believed there is pen named after him, which no TRUE Gandhian can ever buy! The Pen does not suit their pocket and Gandhian values.
The world famous pens manufactures Mont Blanc, is bringing out two sets of premium pens in memory of Mahatma Gandhi. One series - the Mahatma Gandhi Limited Edition-241 series — will commemorate the Mahatma's 241-km march during the Salt Satyagraha. The other series - the Mahatma Gandhi Limited Edition-3000 - will commemorate all those who followed him. Set of premium pens cost Rs 11.3 lakh, an amount, which Gandhi ji wouldn’t have spent on his personal belongings in his entire life.
Gandhi ji use to write on both sides of paper to avoid wastage and used a normal pen but what ever he wrote was written with conviction and truth.He stood for everything that was non-elitist and now there is pen, which only elites can buy and probably use. Hope they will, at least , ONLY use the pen to sign deals based on Gandhian values.