Newton's laws of motion –to every action there is always opposed an equal reaction –is actually so well applicable on all laws of nature. It was naive of us all to challenge the nature. Today world’s biggest challenge is to deal with nature’s challenge. Every year increased numbers of cyclones, hurricanes, new flues are threatening us the way we threatened the way nature works, with our reckless actions. In spite of advance medical technology, we are often caught unprepared for health threats. Latest Swine flue is just one of the examples.
In 1962, author of Silent Spring Rachel Carson forecast that persistent pesticides would silence the world’s birds –and perhaps make the world unliveable for humankind as well. Today, in spite of the fact that we are able to set out cloned human genes in clusters on a glass slide to test suspect poisons and the genes of similar, representative groups are being studied to see what slight changes in their so-called "susceptibility" genes make them more – or less – susceptible to cigarette smoke, industrial chemicals, pesticides and sunlight, we are still prone to the predictions of Rachel Carson.